A lot of stuff happened. Sifting through it all, I have summated two valuable tokens to take with you at the culmination of the year 2013 and the beginning of 2014 (okay maybe these gems have actually been percolating for many years and it's just now that I'm actually writing them for all of history but in any event take note- no really please get out a pen and paper, you will actually use these pearls of wisdom at some point in time):
Golden Rule #1: Try at all possible costs to avoid Jury Duty (the only thing I can actually liken it to is somewhere below Dante's circle #7) hmmm...interestingly enough I was Juror Number #7....coincidence??? I think not.
Golden Rule #2: Do not stop and ask for directions while in Chinatown (I am not even going to elaborate on that one; I've said too much already.)
So, throughout this coming year, please keep the Golden Rules in your back pocket or your glove compartment or whereever you wish. Go and travel forth and find new adventures, take new paths, grow in new and exciting ways. Discover a new talent you never knew you had. Be bold and brave and see where life takes you. Whatever you do, just don't get lost in Chinatown!
Here's to a very happy, healthy, and unforgettable 2014! As an addendum, I would like to say that the new year is all about resolutions. I for one resolve to write more in the new year. I'm not sure if that means I'll be able to update the blog as much as I would like but I'm really going to put forth a truly grandiose, Herculean effort.
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