Been wanting to update the blog but there have been some serious technical problems with this website.
In any event, I have basically forgotten what it is that I had intended to post so I decided I'd post a few very short reviews.
How to Train Your Dragon 2: Worth seeing even if you (like myself) never saw the first one. As far as I can tell the film is basically the cartoon version of the Godfather meets Godzilla: make what you will with that quote.
And So It Goes: The song that opens the movie, Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now," is amazing. Unfortunately, the film is not.
Maleficent: Wait...Angelina Jolie plays a woman scorned? Wait...hold on...let me get this straight....Aneglina JOLIE plays a woman SCORNED? Man, I wish I could've seen Jennifer Aniston's face upon hearing about that one.
Think Like a Man 2: Seriously this film is the Hangover but without the one funny joke that made the Hangover ALMOST bearable.
The Fault in Our Stars: The book was really well-write, as in REALLY REALLY WELL WRITTEN. The script for the film is not. They really should have taken a note from an absolute masterpiece: The Perks of Being a Wallflower which had the script written by the author of the book.
Chef: This movie is a must-see. I can't say enough about it and yet at the present moment I'm speechless. I hope to write an additional blog about this film. It deserves to have more written about it.
X-Men Days of Future Past: The people behind X-Men really need to go back to the first and best X-Men. The rest of the films in the series have just been put together to get the masses to the theater.
Blended: They say if you have not nothing nice to say then you should say nothing.
Edge of Tomorrow: I wish I could, like Tom Cruise's character, go back in time to yesterday and NOT SEE THE FILM!
A Million Ways to Die in the West: Seth MacFarlane is a seriously talented individual.
Update: Earth to Echo: This movie although it is sorta claiming to be the latest version of E.T. is nowhere near in the same league as E.T. In fact, it was seriously painful to watch.
Jersey Boys: This film needed to be edited. It was disappointing considering Clint Eastwood was at the helm. The musical was amazing with just the right amount of everything, the movie, not so much.
22 Jump Street: Truth be told, I didn't really think the first film was great or even good for that matter. This second film however, manages to put some funny frames together from the first film and make it look entertaining. They do this in a clever way at the beginning of the film by saying: "previously, on 21 Jump Street." I honestly can't wait for 23 Jump Street. I really believe that by then the filmmakers will have finally been successful at making a good film. At least, the potential is there and this second film is proof enough of progress.
Tammy: This film is nothing like The Heat. Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing funny about this film.
America: A worth-while documentary but not quite sure that the audience for this one is going to go to the box office to watch it. In the first hour I thought, "this feels like a Michael Moore documentary" then Michael Moore suddently appeared.
What If: Basically in a nut shell, this film is this years: 500 Days of Summer. I'm not going to say anything more than that.
Sex Tape: Go see the film below. This one is basically summed up in the preview.
Begin Again: This film is worth seeing. The music is really moving and Mark Ruffalo is in the film. Need I say more?
For some bizarre reason I have a feeling that I'm forgetting a film or two but welll...
Okay, that's all for now folks, until next time ~
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