Saturday, November 15, 2014

Have you been Whiplashed?

The Marketing team behind this film probably is responsible for one omission which falls in the "Epic Marketing Fails" of the last 6 months category. Allow me to explain.

I just saw the film Whiplash. It is an interesting picture to say the very least. The film hits all of the "high notes" in a matter of many, many ways. I must also add that the music throughout the film is also phenomenal. J.K. Simmons plays a music teacher who is over the top in his teaching methods (I won't give the whole film away, you'll just have to see the picture for yourself.)

Okay so back to my main point as pertains to the: "Epic Marketing Fail." No, seriously, I did have a point here. Everyone who saw the film during opening weekend should have walked out of the theater to find a parting gift which was: a "I just got WHIPLASHED" T-shirt. Seriously, that would have been a great T-shirt and if that wouldn't have promoted a great film to even greater proportions and grander "scales" well I don't know what would have.

So if you're reading this and you have yet to be "WHIPLASHED" well then what are you waiting for? An invitation?
A T-shirt?
Well, perhaps this blog will take the place of both of those.
Onward and Upward folks!

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