Sunday, December 27, 2015

Year in Review 2015

It's that time again. And by that time I mean "Time for the Year in Review."
Time to look back and ponticate and gesticulate and use other big words that haven't been used for at least the past 365 and a quarter days. Now for the good stuff:

In case you need a refresher of Golden Rules 3 and 4 then follow this link:

If you need to review Golden Rules 1 and 2 then go here: this is beginning to feel like a choose your adventure book...
hmmm..perhaps more on that later.

Golden Rule #5: If it's 70 degrees in New England in December on the 25th
than can Winter really be called Winter? Okay we'll this may not seem 
like a rule per se it is something to pontificate. The real rule is: Remember that
it is only time that matters.

Golden Rule #6: Facere non deflate. I know you're wondering 
why this Golden Rule is written in Latin. 
Allow me to translate: Do Not Deflate. 
I don't think any further translation is necessary.

Golden Rule #7: "Even walls fall down."
And with that said, "Some days are diamonds
                                 Some days are rocks
                                 Some doors are open
                                 Some roads are blocked."

Essential Rules to live by.

So there are your Golden Rules. Go forth and Be Brillant!


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